Column 4
Face -
Subtract the top from the bottom and the right from the left from the corrected readings in
column 3.
Rim -
Subtract the bottom from the top and the left from the light from the corrected readings in
column 3.
Column 5
Face - This is the amount of movement required at the outboard legs to correct the angular
misalignment. Multiply the value in column 4 by the dimension B, divided by 2 times the
dimension R.
Rim - This is the amount of movement required at the outboard legs to correct the parallel
misalignment. Multiply the value in column 4 by 1/2.
Column 6
Face - This is the amount of movement required at the inboard leg to correct the angular misalignment.
Multiply the value in column 4 times the dimension B, divided by 2 times the dimension R.
Rim - This is the amount of movement required at the inboard leg to correct the parallel misalignment.
Multiply the value in column 4 by 1/2.
Total Movement for Motor Legs.
This part of the table sums the required movement at each leg for
parallel and angular misalignment to determine total required movement.
Column 1 ,
Add the value in Face, column 5 to the value in Rim, column 5 to determine total movement
required for outboard legs.
Column 2
Determine the direction of the required movement by the sign of the value in column 1. A
positive value means the motor should be moved up or right. A negative value means the
motor should be moved down or left.
Column 3
Add the value in Face, column 6 to the value in Rim, column 6 to determine total movement
required for inboard legs.
Column 4
Determine the direction of the required movement by the sign of the value in column 1., Positive
values mean the motor should be moved up or right. Negative values mean the motor should be
moved down or left.
Reverse Indicator Method.
The reverse indicator method of alignment can be used when it is
possible to rotate both shafts. This method utilizes two dial indicators, one attached to each shaft,