Face Reading
1. Attach the indicator base to the motor coupling and adjust the indicator so that the button is resting near
the outer edge of the pump coupling flange face. Measure the distance from the centerline of the indicator
button to the shaft centerline and enter this value on the worksheet as dimension R. Measure the horizontal
distance from the face of the pump coupling flange to the center of the inboard leg and enter this value on
the worksheet as the dimension A. Measure the horizontal distance from the face of the pump coupling
flange to the center of the outboard leg and enter this value on the worksheet as the dimension B.
2. Rotate the shaft with the indicator so that the indicator is at the top or 12 o'clock position and zero the
3. Rotate both shafts, preferably in the direction of normal rotation, and record the indicator readings at 90-
degree intervals. For consistency, right and left readings should be designated for both shafts looking from
the pump end towards the motor end. The indicator should read zero at 360 degrees. If it doesn't, zero the
indicator and retake the readings.
Rim Reading
Enter twice the actual amount of bar sag in column 2, bottom reading. Attach the indicator base to the
motor coupling flange and adjust the indicator so that the button is resting on the rim of the pump coupling
2. Rotate the shaft with the indicator so that the indicator is at the
top or 12 o'clock position and zero the indicator.
3. Rotate both shafts, preferably in the direction of normal rotation, and record the indicator readings at 90-
degree intervals. For consistency, right and left readings should be designated for both shafts looking from
the pump end towards the motor end. The indicator should read zero at 360 degrees. If it doesn't, zero the
indicator and retake the readings.
With all the readings entered in column 1 for both the Face and Rim Readings, follow the
directions in each column.
Face and Rim Readings
Column 1
These are the actual readings obtained from the dial indicator.
Column 2
Enter twice the actual amount of bar sag for the fixture being used.
Column 3
Add columns 1 and 2. Column 2 is the effect of bar sag and is only added to the bottom reading of the
Rim Readings.