Item Description
PO&M-62 resulting from the intentional deenergization
of lines for purely operational reasons, such as control
of system voltage, light-load line charging, or reactive-
power distribution. Under such circumstances, lines
are considered instantaneously "available for service."
Total Duration
Accumulated duration of all scheduled outages
during reported period, expressed decimally in hours,
and rounded to closest tenth.
A measure of the relative performance of the line or
cable under scheduled outage conditions; expressed
as the total number of scheduled outages during the
annual reported period, multiplied by 100, divided by
the length of the line or cable in miles, then rounded to
the closest hundredth.
Total Outages:
Total number of outages, both forced and scheduled,
occurring during reported period. (Note: Quantity in
this column should equal the sum of items 5a, 5b-1,
and 6a.)
Total Duration
Accumulated duration of all outages, both forced
and scheduled, occurring during the reported period,
expressed decimally In hours, and rounded to the
closest tenth. (Note: Should equal the sum of
items 5b-2 and 6b.)
Service Factor
Measure of the "service availability" of the line or cable
during the reported period; a percentage computed as
total hours in the reported period, less total hours
outage duration (item 7b), times 100, and divided by
total hours in the period, then rounded to closest tenth
of 1 percent. An asterisk preceding an indicated
Service Factor of 100 percent signifies that any
outage which did occur was "momentary" (duration no
greater than 60 seconds).
(FIST 1-3 12/89)